Employment Transition Resources
This is an introduction to, and summary of what is included in the toolkit that is available for CRPs to use when assisting members transitioning from youth to adult services.
Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS): Overview, Examples, & Resources. This tool includes examples and activities associated with job exploration, work-based learning, counseling students about continuing education and employment opportunities, assessing and developing workplace skills, and self-advocacy.
Partners & Services in Employment for Transition Aged Youth—This is a matrix of who and which agencies are available to assist with transition efforts. It includes contact information and what services and supports they are able to assist with.
WINTAC CRP Pre-ETS Guidebook--This is a presentation that describes activities related to Pre-employment Transition Services. It includes an background for Pre-ETS, staffing needs, expectations/outcomes, and additional resources to use as you develop the service in your community.
Examples of how Iowa VR is partnering with two local schools to develop Pre-employment Transition Services. This can be used as an example for other districts could use.
This is a brief, easy, reference which can be given to parents. It provides a description of HCBS services that exist in Iowa.
HCBS Waiver Resource for Parents & HCBS Program Comparison Chart
This is a side by side comparison of what services are available under each waiver to assist persons to select the program that best meets their needs.
Iowa Graduation Information & Guidance for Families: This addresses changes (Fall 2018) in the definition of regular high school diploma and the impact on students with disabilities.
IACP Employment Transition Training Series
Part 1: Working with Schools: What Service Providers Need to Know
Presentation Date: November 29, 2018 Description: Are you interested in strengthening your engagement with schools? Join us if you would like to understand more about the landscape of schools and secondary transition services. We will be reviewing important factors that influence school culture, what are some of the benefits for schools to partner with community providers, and what are some of the benefits for providers to partner with schools. It has been found that collaboration among professionals and service system partners is an essential component of effective programs that successfully prepare and support youth with disabilities with transitioning from school to adult life. More collaboration means less duplication of effort and fewer gaps in services. At this first session we will also be gathering areas of interest, questions, and challenges from participants as topics to address in Session 2 of this series.
Presenters: Kirsten Varnum Lane, Secondary Transition Program Facilitator Amy Desenberg Wines, IACP Technical Assistance Contractor
Part 2: Supporting Transition-Aged Youth: A Deeper Look at Partner Collaboration between Schools, CRPs, & Voc Rehab
Presentation Date: Description: This is the second in a series of webinars related to strengthening partner collaboration and linkages in serving youth and young adults with disabilities. The intention of this webinar is to bring educators, vocational rehabilitation, and community rehabilitation service providers together to share some examples of how they are collectively working together to support students and youth with preparation, placement, and support with integrated employment. There will be an opportunity to ask questions to the presenters about how you can strengthen your local collaboration. Don't be left in the January cold, instead join us for this enlightening discussion.
Presenters: Kirsten Varnum Lane, Secondary Transition Program Facilitator Mary Jackson, Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Resource Manager Amy Desenberg Wines, IACP Technical Assistance Contractor Partner Collaborators from Across Iowa